Tuesday 22 January 2013

Day: 10

Location: Train to Kyoto

Yesterday was our last day of snowboarding in Hakuba. We ventured from Goryu & 47 resort, where we spent our first four days, to Iwatake which was recommended to us by Ed’s ski instructors. On new runs our enjoyment was restrained a little by bad weather in the morning but once the sun was out and clouds cleared it was a stunning day and the view as we skated down the mountain was awe inspiring.
In summary, Hakuba has been excellent. One evening it was possible to board right to the doorstep of the hostel from the entrance to the resort. Our accommodation, more therapeutic onsen time, of course the thrilling runs of Goryu, 47 and Iwatake and it’s perfect snow have made for such a good time. Perhaps I'll go back sometime soon.

Today we head to a new Japanese metropolis for exploration. I say we, however a small lapse in communication at Matsumoto where we changed trains has meant that I am technically travelling solo right at the moment. We didn’t realise that a trip to the bin on the platform before boarding wouldn’t be tolerated by the seamlessly efficient public transport system and as a result Ed and I have been separated, soon to be reunited in Kyoto I imagine. Ah the joys of travel!


  1. Props to the photographer! And I really like the new "bamboo" theme - very Kyoto.

    Glad to hear the 'boarding was so much fun. Not jealous. At all...no...

  2. Eddie did very well to get that exact moment on the camera.

    Mmm so much so that we went to a bamboo forrest there.

    Thanks Dad
